James Lloyd
2 min readSep 17, 2023

Where do you go, when you want to give up? I have been on this earth for 72 years, I have seen a lot, been through a lot, I fell in love at the age of 15, with a girl that took my heart away. She was wild and wonderful. She was not like girlfriend’s I had before, she was different. All through highschool we wood have our quarrels, fought like a married couple even though we would break up my heart would not leave her. Then her parents moved away and took the love of my life with them. I could not eat, sleep, or drink, my heart was broken. For months I was in misery. Then after several months, her grandparents that was raising her came back to pick up the mobile home they left and she came to my house and told me that she loved me. I was a junior in high school at that time. At that time she told me she was pregnant but it was not mine, but at that point it did don’t matter, I was willing to to anything to have her in my arms. I was 17 and one half and in order to get married you had to be 18 and back in those days, if a girl was pregnant and not married it was a disgrace. So even though I was only 17 and the love of my life was only 15 we lied about our age and managed to get married. Now its been many years later, we have been through some very heard times. But through the hard times and struggles we managed to have four children and nine wonderful grandchildren and we have been married for a wonderful 57 years. But now the love of my life is slowly going down hill, and it’s breaking my heart over again I know I can’t live with out her, so where do I go from here?

James Lloyd

Recognized writer of children's stories for Children's Literature Institute; "short story & article writing" 'blogger personal experience subjects.