James Lloyd
4 min readApr 21, 2023
Life can be fun but sometimes life can be painful but it's all a learning experience

(THE OLD LADY THAT LIVED IN THE SHOE); the way I see it; A poem by, James Lloyd;) There once was this old lady, that lived in this shoe, she had so many problem’s, she didn’t know what to do. She had a bunch of kid’s, and no man around, to help her plant a garden, and dig up the ground. But this old lady was a praying old soul, she believed that Jesus, would make the family whole. But then the day came, when all had run out, there was nothing to eat, she had reached her end, and there was no doubt. So she prayed, and she prayed, and then she prayed some more, asking God for help, cause she couldn’t take it no more. Then the next day as she was digging for some food, up through the ground came this bubbling crude, it was black, black as can be, but it’s real name is oil, to you and me. Well the first thing you know, the old lady became a millionaire, and all her friend’s said, hey old lady move away from there. So she packed up the kid’s, and all of her loot, and moved up town into a big fancy boot. Now they all spent money, like it was going out of style, as if there was no end to it some how, now the old lady never gave it a thought, to thank the good Lord, for all that money she got. But then it happened, it was bound to be for sure, they had spent all that money, and now they are poor. But like so many, when things are going good, she didn’t think about praying, and giving thanks like she should. Now she is full of sorrow, agony, and pain, she begs God, to forgive her, and her tears fell like rain. But the good Lord, has mercy, and forgives her again, she opens up her heart, and invites him back in. She tells the Lord, she was living in sin, because of all that money, and she wouldn’t do it again. So the Lord , had mercy, and cast all her troubles away, then he made her remember a special ring she bought one day. Now she bought this ring from a friend, you see, just to help them out, because they were broke as can be. So she searched, and searched, and then searched some more, until she found that ring lying on the floor. Then the old lady found out about that ring, turns out it was worth way more, then all the money she as ever seen. So the old lady thought, she had done it again, just like the oil she found, she had bought a priceless ring from a friend. The old lady thought, she had done it by her self, she didn’t need God, and put him back on the shelf. Now the old lady had more money, then she ever had before, and she said to herself, I don’t need God, no more. That’s right, you guessed it, just like before, they gambled and spent, until there was no more. So then the old lady, took God, off the shelf, and dusted him off, in spit of herself, she prayed, and she prayed, but God, did not come, and clean up the mess that she made. A long time had passed, then the old lady died, standing before God, she pleated, and cried. My Lord, my Lord, this can not be, I begged, and pleated, for you to help me. Then the Lord, just smiled, and said, don’t you see, but even with your eyes wide open, you were blind as can be, I sent you that oil, that came from me, but you thought your digging, caused it to be, but sadly you put me, upon a self, you gambled, and spent, until you had no more wealth. Then you dusted me off, and took me from the self, and told me you were sorry, for exhausting your wealth. You pleated, and begged, and you could take no more, so I had mercy on you, and let you find that ring on the floor. But again you thought, it was all up to you, that you did these things, and told me we’re through. And just as before, without God, by your side, you got rid if it all, and then you died. So now here you are, standing before me, expecting my mercy, to set your soul free. Now the meaning of this story, should be plain to see, don’t get Rich in the first place, and you’ll be happy as can be. THE END

James Lloyd

Recognized writer of children's stories for Children's Literature Institute; "short story & article writing" 'blogger personal experience subjects.